由於當前Coronavirus大流行對我們會員、朋友和訪客的健康與安全的影響,IFCBC 決定暫停3月15日、3月22日和3月29日的主日崇拜和主日學聚會,改採於週日早上 11:00 透過 YouTube 直播。我們希望疫情狀況穩定後,於4月5日起在教會繼續主日崇拜和主日學聚會。詳情請見理事會公告:
Due to ongoing concern regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the health and safety of our members, friends and visitors, the Board of IFCBC has decided to suspend Sunday Service and Sunday School at the church, effective Sunday, March 15, 2020 through the end of March. Specifically, this covers Sunday Service and Sunday School on March 15, March 22 and March 29. Sunday service will instead being Live Streamed on YouTube on Sundays at 11am. We hope to resume Sunday Service and Sunday School at the church on Sunday, April 5, subject to health conditions at that time. For more information, please see the IFCBC Board of Directors announcement: